Thursday, April 10, 2008

The GoKart War

One cold evening Megan, Perry, McKenzie and I went out on the fast, red, bumpy go-kart. Perry jumped off and started to throw cold, slimy mud at us McKenzie and I jumped off for our own ammo. Then Perry jumped out the go-kart McKenzie and I were so scared that we yelled at the top of our lungs. The parents wondering what had happened ran outside. We sure did get a scolding for that. I was freezing but the war continued until bed time that is that meant the war was super doper messy. The go-kart was soon brown instead of racy red and instead of clean we were as dirty as a hippo. By the time I was in my nice fluffy warm blankets I was aching. Even though Perry had won the battle we had won the war.